Monday, July 7, 2014

OPQ Quadcopter 3D print arm protectors

One of the many quad frames I now have is the OPQ. I have yet to decide on the flight control and motor/rotor combo that i want to use.

Its a really nice frame and the flying I usually do is in the private cul-de-sac I live in. However that is over tarmac and this frame was purchased to learn stunts on. So I wanted to create some sort of replaceable protection for the arms. There is a leg mounting hole that I was able to use to hold the protector on with.

So after some tinkering and printing I can up with the following design.

After a test print and a few changes, I was pretty happy with this design.  The white below is the test prints and the final shot is the final prints on the heated plate after printing.

This was a really goos test to get to understand printing in 3D. The end result is a OPQ replaceable arm protector. Also if you are able to print in different colours a great way to help with orientation. 

Once I got this simple design out of the way it was on to more complex designs.